GCC MELT is a GCC (Gnu Compiler Collection, a free compiler for many languages -C, C++, Ada, Fortran, ...- and systems) plugin and branch, providing a lispy domain specific language to easily code GCC extensions in. MELT originally meant Middle End Lisp Translator
GCC MELT should interest any important software project (coded in C, C++, Ada, Fortran, ...), compiled with GCC, since it facilitates the development of customized GCC extensions for:
A leaflet with a short description of GCC MELT (goals and overall features) is available as a web page or as a PDF (2 sided, one A4 color sheet) document.
There is a wiki page about GCC MELT on the GCC wiki.
Slides of GCC Summit 2010 tutorial on MELT are here (PDF, 87 slides, 1.9Mb)
Slides of a tutorial on GCC plugins and MELT extensions given in june 16th, 2011 at Archi11 summer school (St Louis, by Université of Perpignan, France) are available here (130 slides, PDF format, 2.1Mbytes).
Slides presented at the Gnu Hacker Meeting 2011 (August 25th, 2011) on GCC, MELT and Talpo (Basile Starynkevitch and Pierre Vittet).
Paper accepted at DSL2011 IFIP Working Conference on Domain-Specific Languages (Bordeaux, september 2011) on MELT - a Translated Domain Specific Language Embedded in the GCC Compiler (PDF, 25 pages). slides of the talk.
Slides of a talk given at INRIA, LIG, MOUAIS near Grenoble about MELT on december 9th 2011
Slides of a tutorial (PDF, 135+ slides, extending Archi2011) on Gcc internals and Melt extensions given at HiPEAC 2012 conference (Paris, january 24th 2012), with improvements for a talk at LIP6 (Paris 6 Univ., may 10th 2012)
Draft of a paper submitted to OpenGPU workshop Using MELT to improve or explore your GCC-compiled source code (PDF, 17 pages, april 2012)
.A two-page GCC MELT sheet (leaflet, PDF, may 2012)
Slides of a tool presentation at Tapas2012 workshop on GCC MELT (a high-level domain specific language to extend the GCC compiler) (PDF, september 2012)
An English-speaking technical group (no flamewars, no spam) about GCC MELT is available on
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GCC MELT is a GCC plugin and also an experimental GCC branch,
a free software GPLv3 licensed and FSF copyrighted. It should
also be compilable as a GCC-4.6 (or 4.7, when available) plugin,
and most users want the MELT [meta-]plugin. You
could get the latest code snapshot of the experimental MELT
branch using subversion:
svn co svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/branches/melt-branch
To get the source tarball for a MELT plugin, run
contrib/make-melt-source-tar.sh $PWD
/tmp/meltpluginsource from inside the MELT branch source
The MELT plugin has regular source code releases. See below, or on FreeCode's GCC-MELT project.
A bag of small MELT examples is available on melt-examples at GitHub
You need, before building MELT plugin (with Debian/Ubuntu/... package installation commands, assuming a recent Linux distribution; run apt-get as root i.e. thru sudo; replace 4.6 with 4.7 if relevant for you):
The MELT plugin 0.9.7 release (for GCC 4.6, 4.7 and future 4.8) is available from melt-0.9.7-plugin-for-gcc-4.6-or-4.7-or-4.8.tar.gz a gnu-zipped source tar file of 5193713 bytes of md5sum 9873b7cb1363c3638457fe775a402aa9 extracted from the MELT branch of GCC svn rev. 192291 on october 10th 2012. This brings a read-eval-print loop and an evaluator to MELT and many new things. See this message for more. (the version number 0.9.7 of the MELT plugin is not related to the version 4.6, 4.7 of the GCC compiler able to use it)
The MELT plugin 0.9.6-d release is available from
a gnu zipped source tar file of 5580021 bytes & md5sum 83ac70197a57968ed732d0f5442a3c2b
extracted from the MELT branch of GCC svn revision 190124
on August 03rd 2012.
(several tentative 0.9.6 releases were buggy; see this discussion for more).
This release brings a lot of new features, notably a probe which shows the internal representations of GCC,
see this message.
See also latest message on gcc-melt@googlegroups.com list.
Here is a reduced screenshot (august 3, 2012) of the probe when compiling
the gcc/tree-ssanames.c file of GCC (click on the picture to get the full view)
We used
make CC='gcc -fplugin=melt -fplugin-arg-melt-mode=probe' tree-ssanames.o
to get that after installation of MELT 0.9.6-d for GCC 4.7(be sure that ccache don't get used). On the left, there are information windows about some specific source code location. On the right the main window show tabs with various source files. Underneath, the trace window of the textual protocol exchanged between the probe and the MELT plugin of GCC.
The MELT plugin 0.9.5 is available from melt-0.9.5-plugin-for-gcc-4.6-or-4.7.tar.gz as a gzipped tar archive of 4502575 bytes and md5sum b5a0ea2a022b4283120c50dbd6eff93d. You could try building it e.g. with make CC=gcc-4.7 CXX=g++-4.7 or perhaps with make MELTGCC=gcc-4.7 GCCMELT_CC=g++-4.7. Please report bugs on gcc-melt list. It is extracted from MELT branch svn revision 186383., april 12th 2012.
A powerful, recent, Linux system is required to build and to use MELT (see above for prerequisites). You probably need less than 100Mb of disk space to build the MELT plugin (if you dare building the experimental MELT branch, you'll need 2 or 4 gigabytes of disk space). But a 4Gb RAM machine is recommended. (MELT generates a lot of C code, and compiling that generated C code requires significant memory and CPU resources).
Unarchive the tarball and cd into the MELT plugin source directory. First, read the README-MELT-PLUGIN file inside. Then:
Thanks to Alexandre Lissy, .deb packages of the GCC MELT plugin are available on launchpad.net/~lissyx/+archive/gcc-plugin-melt
The MELT plugin has some incomplete documentation (but reading before slides or papers about MELT description is strongly advised):
Pierre Vittet has developped Talpo (available on Gitorious) using MELT. Talpo is a MELT extension giving some warnings about your code (e.g. find misuse of untested fopen-s). This is a GSOC 2011 project on Customizable warnings with a GCC plugin
Please tell me about other projects using MELT.
Please contact Basile Starynkevitch basile dot starynkevitch at cea dot fr for projects, developments (thru contracts with CEA LIST) about GCC MELT
This site is © 2011 - 2012 Basile Starynkevitch. Postal adress: 8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France.
GCC MELT is mostly the work of Basile Starynkevitch (employed
at CEA, LIST), with
contributions by Alexandre Lissy, Jérémie Salvucci and
Pierre Vittet.
Basile Starynkevitch's work is funded by French DGCIS thru
GlobalGCC (ITEA) and OpenGPU (FUI) projects.
Opinions are those of the author, not of his employer (or funding agencies) or of the GCC community.